Student Services » Naviance: Career Exploration

Naviance: Career Exploration

Naviance: Career Exploration

Through career assessment and exploration, students become motivated and inspired to think about the connection between a degree and their career. This connection can assist with selecting post-secondary educational opportunities, making whatever path they choose more meaningful, and increasing fortitude in the face of challenges.

The goal of early career exploration is not to prevent students from changing their minds! Rather, it is to encourage them to attach value to their intended degree and purpose to the college experience. Having an initial road map, and changing course after thoughtful consideration, far outweighs getting on the road with no clear direction!

Naviance offers a series of career assessments that help students discover multiple career options, and plan their career paths based on general areas of interest, and the level of education and training required to achieve their individual goals and objectives. These tools allow students to realize their goals, skills, knowledge, values, constraints, and interests to help them make better academic decisions. During this process, students gain a clear understanding of the academic preparation required to pursue careers that are likely to be fulfilling to them.


Career Interest Profiler

The Career Interest Profiler is an online career interest assessment for students based on Holland’s interest codes (see below). The results of the assessment include the student’s strongest field of interest with definitions of all the Holland interest codes. Students can view matching careers and career clusters organized by the amount of preparation each needs.


Holland Interest Codes

Holland codes are based on the idea that career satisfaction depends on compatibility between personality and work environment. The six personality types are:

  • Realistic
  • Investigative
  • Artistic
  • Social
  • Enterprising
  • Conventional


Career Cluster Finder

The Career Cluster Finder is a simple assessment that helps a student discover which career clusters may be a good match based on activities that interest him or her, personal qualities the student has and subjects the student enjoys in school. The results of the assessment include the top three clusters the student is matched with and a ranking of all clusters with a percentage match for the student.


Career Clusters Students can Explore:

  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • Architecture and Construction
  • Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications
  • Business Management and Administration
  • Education and Training
  • Finance
  • Government and Public Administration
  • Health Science
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Human Services
  • Information Technology
  • Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
  • Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics