Student Services » Freshman Year

Freshman Year

Freshman year is a time of transition and discovery. The rigors of high school may provide similar roadblocks faced in junior high; however, the student has developed strategies to tackle these adverse events with a more experienced and confident mindset.


One of the most important discoveries during freshman year is learning the difference between work completion and learning. Students begin to think critically about the information they are exposed to and recognize the need to learn and apply the same information beyond a test or assignment.


During this year, it is important for students to seek out opportunities and experiences in order to narrow their field of interest and strengthen their beliefs. This is a critical year for students to discover the importance of a positive high school experience as it relates to opportunities and options for college and beyond.


With emphasis on the Gospel Values of Wellness and Respect, the Student Services Department is committed to ensuring freshmen students care for and respect the entire self, in addition to the life and dignity of others in thought, word and action.


Wellness: Caring for and respecting the entire self – body, mind, heart, and soul.

  • “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16)

Respect: Respecting the life and dignity of myself and each person in thought, word and action.

  • “Give honor to all, love the community, fear God, honor the king.” (1 Peter 2:17)

Student Responsibilities

  • Consider the courses you chose and decide if the right choices were made. Students want to be sufficiently challenged, but not overwhelmed. It’s important to take challenging courses, but it is just as important to face challenges with a Growth Mindset in order to persevere, learn, and grow. 
  • Look at the school’s clubs, activities, sports, and classes. The beginning of the school year is the best time for exploring interests. Once you decide what to try, the next step is finding out how to get involved in those activities and organizations. Students who did not like what they were doing this year should make a change. Try something new. It’s impossible to know if something is liked, until it is tried.
  • Start looking into scholarships. They are out there for freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. Write down the deadlines and stay on top of them. Don’t wait to see how much school costs.
  • Make a commitment to work hard for the good grades. If help is needed, seek that help before falling behind.
  • Do the homework and try hard whether the teacher and the class are liked or not. It’s good practice for a future career to try to get along with people of all types. Plus, teachers are where college recommendation letters come from!
  • Build a great vocabulary. READ. READ. READ. Doing well on the PSAT, ACT and SAT all require a good vocabulary. It is much easier to build this slowly and naturally than to cram it. Reading will also help with writing, thinking, and speaking.
  • Stay organized. One of the easiest ways to keep from getting stressed is to keep everything organized. Organized people can avoid those feelings of dread that they missed an exam or homework assignment.
  • Work on a unique skill or develop a unique mindset. Determine to be really good at something, and set aside some time for it each week. Expand personal knowledge by surfing wherever current whims and inspirations may lead: become an expert on the Black Plague or knot tying. Learn to make sushi. Learning new things can be fun and exciting.
  • Don’t put anything on social media that is embarrassing or even potentially embarrassing. Give it the grandma check. If a post is not something grandma (or the admissions director of a favorite college) should see or read, don’t post it.
  • Make smart decisions. One dumb mistake can lead to a ruined life.
  • Maintain a positive attitude. Not just at the beginning of the year, but all the way through it. Positivity will help with your personal relationships and towards getting things done.
  • Be nice to your parents. They mean well and want the best for you.