Looking for Summer Day Care Solutions?

"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!" We've all heard the call from the other room. It's quickly followed by "I'm bored!" Meanwhile, the dog is barking, the phone is ringing, your Zoom call is muted, and you're just trying to make it through another summer day without losing your cool.
We're here to offer you a solution to this common summer scenario. Let your kids play outside, with friends, in a controlled learning environment. Our Summer Knights Day Camp is led by students and teachers of the Lafayette Catholic School System. Your kids will be so excited to head to Day Camp each day that you'll be able to work in peace, and maybe even get some sunshine in yourself!
Our schedules are set for a week to week sign-up. You're headed on vacation? No problem! Just don't sign up for camp that week. 
Are your children interested in attending one of our many Central Catholic Sports Camps? Our counselors will ensure your children make it to their sports camp and back to Summer Knights. If you'd love for your student to attend a Sports Camp, but picking them up in the middle of the morning doesn't work for your schedule, they can attend Summer Camp just that week! 
We're here to make summer as smooth and simple as we can! 
Check out our website  for more details or call us at 765-474-7500.