Fr. George Plaster, CC '69

Meet Fr. George Plaster, Class of 1969! Fr. Plaster attended St. Mary Cathedral Grade School and Central Catholic High School, graduating in 1969. After high school, Fr. Plaster attended St. Joseph’s College in Rensselaer, Indiana and graduated in 1973. Following college, he worked for several years as a bank examiner for the State of Indiana, before entering Sacred Heart School of Theology, where he received his seminary preparation for ordination to the Priesthood, June 7, 1980.

As a priest for forty-one years, he has served about half those years in parish work and the other half in hospital chaplaincy.  

“I have loved both parish work and hospital ministry and when I was in each of these ministries, I have always felt like God had me in the right place, at the right time. I am so grateful to have served God, his people in the Church, and his suffering people through hospital chaplaincy.”

“The past few years have probably been the most challenging working in, with and around Covid-19, as a hospital chaplaincy (at St. Francis Hospital, Indianapolis), and yet, this time of Covid, has been a very sacred time. It has been a sacred time, because we all have had to slow down, be with our family, think hard about what God is calling us to be—each one of us, individually. Without a doubt, God in his providence and wisdom prepared me very well, throughout many years of hospital chaplaincy, to minister during this historic pandemic.”

How did your education at LCSS prepare you for college and your calling to the priesthood?

The presence of the sisters and priests in my life had a strong influence on the discernment of my vocation to be a priest. The education I received during high school equipped me very well for St. Joseph’s College and beyond.

What did you like most about your experience at LCSS?

The teachers I enjoyed most were Fr. George Loner, Roger Priest, and John Eberle in high school and Sr. Joan Mary, SP in grade school.

All involved in Catholic Education hold a special place in my prayers, with the particular intention that young men will choose to serve God, the Church and His people, as a priest. It is such a noble vocation, established by Jesus, Himself, upon the Apostles, so the Gospel would be proclaimed until the end of the world.

Describe one of your favorite memories of LCSS.

My favorite memory from high school was being involved in the Spring musical shows. They were always a lot of fun and took a lot of energy.

Boys Singing